Pure Food Act
February 26, 2021
Local Food Choice Act
March 31, 2021GUEST: Michael Moss, Author, Hooked: Food, Free Will, and How the Food Giants Exploit Our Addictions
The best way to build a business is to offer a product that people will come back for time after time after time. The perfect example of that product is the fast food we all love to eat. Yes, even those of us who would never admit to eating it, love it. Why? Because its loaded with the salt, sugar and fat our bodies crave.

Michael Olson Food Chain Radio – Hooked on the Wrong Food
And so, the business-minded among have built up a huge industry selling us salt, sugar and fat. In fact, they are selling us citizens of the world $600 billion worth of salt, sugar and fat every year, give or take.
It did take some doing, and a lot of ingenuity, but it you spend a few minutes looking at the people walking down the street in any town anywhere, you will see how successful they have become at getting us hooked on their food.
We wonder about this inability of ours’ to manage eating. Have we become hopelessly hooked on food? How is it possible to be hooked on food, after all, we must eat it to live? And so we ask:
COMMENT BELOW: How did they get us hooked on the wrong food?
Michael Olson’s Three Laws of the Food Chain
#1 Agriculture is the foundation upon which we build all our sand castles.
#2 The farther we go from the source of our food, the less control we have over what’s in that food.
#3 Cheap food isn’t! READ MORE