Dedicated to bringing local farms, food and money back home through thoughtful expression and action.

Alcohol for the Body & Mind?

Michael Olson’s Food Chain Radio Show #1374

Does alcohol do a body good?

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Guest: Timothy B. Sullivan Doctor of Psychiatry and Internal Medicine Northwell Health

Michael Olson Food Chain Radio – Alcohol for the Body and Mind?

Michael Olson Food Chain Radio – Alcohol for the Body and Mind?

In 2004, archeologists from the University of Pennsylvania made a discovery worthy of a celebratory toast.

Their chemical analysis of pottery fragments from a prehistoric village in northern China indicated that people who lived in the village 8 to 9,000 years ago were making wine from rice, honey and fruit.

Folks must have enjoyed what they were making, because today, the are still making and drinking alcohol.  And for the past few decades, they have been told by scientific studies that its okay to drink alcohol in moderation.  In fact, some studies say drinking alcohol in moderation can help you live longer, and have a lower risk of heart disease, than those who abstain.

But we wonder…

Leave a comment: Does alcohol do the body and mind good?

Tune in here, for the syndicated Michael Olson Food Chain Radio Show #1374 October 12, 2024 Saturday 9AM Pacific

Take the 2X2 Pledge

Take the 2X2 Pledge

“Together, we can eat our way to economic security and personal freedom, and it won’t cost a dime and it will be so easy it will make you blush!”

Michael Olson’s

Three Laws of the Food Chain

#1 Agriculture is the foundation upon which we build all our sand castles.

#2 The farther we go from the source of our food, the less control we have over what’s in that food.

#3 Cheap food isn’t!       READ MORE