Apple Varieties
September 25, 2014
Eating Words
October 16, 2014Food Chain Radio Show #986
Michael Olson, Author & Urban Farming Agriculturalist
Can real burgers survive competition from imitation burgers?
Guests: David Peterson, Owner Corralitos Market and Sausage Company
They say meat is environmentally and politically incorrect, and so billionaires like Bill Gates and Li Ka-Shing, together with numerous venture capital firms, are investing in the development of proprietary imitation meats that will be correct.

Impossible Foods Impossible Cheeseburger made from Plants. Michael Olson Food Chain Radio guest: David Peterson, Owner Corralitos Market and Sausage Company
These new animal-less proteins include a burger made with plant “blood,” chicken strips and beef crumbles made from soybeans; meat from stem cells, and eggs from similar animal-less products.
The big money now being invested in these replica meat and protein products, and that will certainly be invested in their marketing, is reminiscent of the introduction of margarine, an animal-less product filled with partially hydrogenated oils and trans fats.
Given the big money now being invested in these proprietary food products, and how that big money is used to shape popular opinion and political processes, we simply must ask…
Can real burgers survive competition from replica burgers?