Food As Medicine
August 4, 2016
Organic Farming
August 18, 2016Food Chain Radio Show #1068
Michael Olson, Author & Urban Farming Agriculturalist
Food and Farm Regulations
Guest: Dick Peixote Lakeside Organic Gardens
If rain falls on your property, and runs down the gutter into a drain, and then into a creek, and then into a river, your property would belong to the Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers.

Michael Olson Food Chain Radio – Can farmers farm without breaking food rules & regulations?
If that rain had picked up some motor oil from your leaky old Buick and carried that downstream, you might well find yourself with a cease and desist order in hand, and a potential fine of $75,000 per day!
Before you feel sorry for yourself, consider the plight of American farmers, who have lots of acres upon which rain falls and runs off!
Such will be the case if the administration succeeds in enacting its Waters of the U.S. rule change to the Clean Water Act.
But the Waters of the U.S. rule is just one rule. In fact, government has issued an all time record 600 major new farm and food regulations, and each major rule costs of over $100 million to implement. Fifty more major regulations are said to be on the way.
Given the overwhelming weight of all the farm and food rules and regulations being put forth, and the costs of complying with those rules and regulations, we just have to ask….
Leave a comment below: Can farmers farm without breaking food rules regulations?
Tune in here, for the syndicated Food Chain Radio Show #1068 August 13, 2016 Saturday 9AM Pacific
it is deliberate. the little farmers will be driven out of business after being bled to support the gov’t. the big guys will simply add the fines into their cost of doing business.
we need to get organophosphates listed as pollutants!
I’m unable to find the podcast archive for “Drowning in Regulations”. Did this show happen? If so, where can I hear the replay?
Hello Joe,
You can find the recordings of the Food Chain Radio shows in the following two ways on the MetroFarm website:
1) A few hours after the live Food Chain Radio Show, recordings are posted and listed on the Food Chain Archive page: https://metrofarm.com/food-chain-radio-3/
*For future ease, please see the main menu tab for Food Chain Radio and sub menu Food Chain Archive at the top of the page on https://metrofarm.com/
2) A complete archive for Food Chain Radio Posts can be found on the right sidebar of the MetroFarm website. The MP3 recording links are added to these Posts on Thursdays. For the complete Post and MP3 recording of “Food Regulations” go to https://metrofarm.com/michael-olson/food-regulations/
Thank you for your interest in the program,
Michael Olson