Sludge Biosolids
May 22, 2014
Food Safety Modernization Act
June 7, 2014Food Chain Radio Michael Olson
Urban Farming Agriculturalist
Arming the USDA
Why are we arming the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) with submachine guns and body armor?
Guest: Ray Parga, Del Valle Gunsmithing
The United States Department of Agriculture has issued a public Request for Proposal for the purchase of .40 caliber submachine guns with high-capacity magazines and gender-specific ballistic body armor.

Michael Olson’s Food Chain Radio Show: Why are we arming the United States Department of Agriculture with submachine guns and body armor?
(This public disclosure follows similar disclosures for the purchase of firearms and ammunition for the United States Post Office, Social Security Administration, National Weather Service, and Department of Education.)
When a request for a clarification interview was sent to the office of Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, a response was received from the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) saying, “We’ll respectfully decline the interview request– OIG does not do interviews, particular on matters pertaining to investigations.”
In addition to the interview denial, OIG offered the following from its pre-packaged OIG Comment on Procurement Solicitations:
“The Inspector General Act of 1978 authorized OIG to, among other duties, pursue criminal activity, fraud, and abuses impairing USDA’s program and operations…. OIG Special Agents are authorized to make arrests, execute warrants, and carry firearms.”
Are we then to believe the machine-gun carrying, body-armored special agents from the United States Department of Agriculture are all about protecting us from the farmer selling raw milk at the farmers market?
1 Comment
I voted “to protect from domestic terrorism”…..thinking that it meant that hopefully our domestic population will awaken to the OVERT ABUSE of our food sources and REBEL!!!!! Definitely the government will think this is terrorism on the part of a population that wants to be heard….and the USDA/MONSANTO just wants to shut up any voice contrary to what they want.