Country of Origin Labeling Law
December 18, 2015
GMO Labeling
January 14, 2016Food Chain Radio Show #1040
Michael Olson, Author & Urban Farming Agriculturalist
The Nutrition Blame Game
Guest: Laura MacCleery, Regulatory Affairs Director, Center for Science in the Public Interest
Fats are bad. No, fats are good! Carbohydrates are good. No, carbohydrates are bad! Sugar is bad. No, sugar is good!
We have listened to a lot of conflicting advise as to what is good to eat over the past thirty years, and as a consequence we have eaten our way into a monumental obesity crisis.
And so its time to say, “Excuse me!”
Who is doing all the talking about what we should, and should not, be eating? Why do the talkers seem to be giving so many confllicting opinions as to what is good to eat? Are those who sell food to eat allowed to say anything they want about the nutritional value of their products? Why does science not provide a clearly defined path through the nutritional confusion?
Let’s eat!
Leave your comment below: Who is responsible for talking us into an obesity epidemic?
Tune in here, for the syndicated Food Chain Radio Show #1040 January 9, 2016 Saturday 9AM Pacific