Worm Farmers
November 8, 2018
Forest Stewardship
November 29, 2018Food Chain Radio Show #1169
Michael Olson, Author & Urban Farming Agriculturalist
Poison Addiction
Guest: Fred Provenza, Professor Emeritus of Wildland Resources, Utah State & Author of Nourishment: What Animals Can Teach Us About Rediscovering Our Nutritional Wisdom
We the people think we are pretty clever, right? After all, we have stepped foot on the moon! And because we are so clever, we want to assume responsibility for everything that happens, for good or evil, here on Mother Earth.

Michael Olson Food Chain Radio – Poison Addiction – given how bad we have become at feeding ourselves, perhaps we should back up a bit.
But, if you look around a little, you can see a lot of evidence that we have lost the wisdom of what to eat. In fact, a lot of what we have learned to eat in all our cleverness is pretty much poisoning us to death.
And, we have very little control over this poisoning. Listen to how Professor Emeritus Fred Provenza describes it in his new book, Nourishment.
“Forget willpower; it isn’t effective for changing your behavior. Forget reading labels. If the food product has a label, the creation probably isn’t any good for you. Don’t bring toxic junk food into your home. You don’t have any will power to avoid it. Forget diets, they don’t work!”
Well, given how bad we have become at feeding ourselves, perhaps we should back up a bit and look to what animals can teach us about rediscovering our nutritional wisdom.
So, let’s ask Professor Emeritus of Wildland Resources Fred Provenza:
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I know what I have seen over the years. When I was a boy in the 1950’s and early 1960’s a whole field book of insects could be spotted over a few hours gaze of a mixed vegetable flower garden, all sorts of interesting native plants grew in the forgotten corners of countryside, birds were everywhere, smashed insects smear coated the windshields and car radiators after a summer drive, the farm field may have reeked of manure once in a while but not of hydrogen sulfide or of chemicals. The land was tilled and planted and the crops harvested when the plants were ready.
Sugar and high fructose corn syrup was not in almost all foods. We ate natural saturated fats and pressed oils, not artificial fats or oils refined from extractions from ground seeds. We ate meat containing fat, fresh vegetables, fruit.
And in many places in the countryside you could view the milky way at night.
The Earth is our home. We are poisoning our home, killing the living species of our world in the name of a skewed view of efficiency and profit and repetitive punctuality and allowing the intentional destruction of natural knowledge held by those still close to the earth, those not yet fully incorporated into our corporatist controlled world. Whilst all the while, the costs of abatement, of toxic cleanup, of resource repair, of resource recycling, are allowed to be left off the ledger of business, shunted onto the public in the cost of money, pollution, destroyed health, demeaned living.