Regenerative Agriculture
October 4, 2019
Strawberry Industry
October 18, 2019Food Chain Radio Show #1205
Michael Olson, Author & Urban Farming Agriculturalist
Opioid Addiction and A Heroine of Heroin
Guest: Rori O’Hara, Author Hero Versus Heroin: Generational Tragedies, Medical Travesties, Political Primacy & Success Strategies
Many of us know someone who has succumbed to opioids– a family member, friend or business associate.

Michael Olson Food Chain Radio – The U.S. Heroin Opiate Addiction Crisis
But, given how the giant pharmaceutical companies like Purdue push the use of their prescription opioids via the medical community, and how synthetic opioids are flooding the black market via the mails from China, many of us will likely know more than one person who has lost his or her life to opioids.
And so those who have lost love ones look for an answer to this overwhelming tsunami of death. But, where to find that answer? Who can tell us the reason why?
Do government officials have the answer? How about university professors? Or what about pastors, priests, rabbis or wiccans? Most all have offered up their opinion, but none of their opinions seem to answer the question of “Why?”
And so, tiring of all the noted authorities, we head off to Colorado to ask one who really might know why, because she is a mother, a victim and a heroine of the heroin epidemic:
Leave a comment below: Why are Americans so taken with opioids?