Mountain Lions
January 26, 2017
GMO Substantial Equivalency
February 9, 2017Food Chain Radio Show #1090
Michael Olson, Author & Urban Farming Agriculturalist
Of Sanctuary Cities & Lifeboat Ethics
Guest: Matt O’Brien, Director of Research Federation for American Immigration Reform
With thanks to the late Ecologist Garrett Hardin…

Michael Olson Food Chain Radio – Lifeboat Ethics – Can we allow everyone into lifeboat USA?
Our ship has sunk, but we have fortunately succeeded in clambering into a lifeboat. There are 50 in the lifeboat with us, and room for another 10. But the lifeboat is surrounded by hundreds treading water and crying out for help.
We are now faced with some life-and-death ethical dilemmas:
Do we allow everyone to clamber into the sanctuary of our lifeboat until the lifeboat sinks? Do we paddle among those in the water until we find ten strong enough to help row the boat? Do we toss those over the side who, in spite of our demands to the contrary, keep hauling swimmers into the lifeboat?
The United States relies on the labor of illegal immigrants to grow its food, cook its food and wash its dishes. Because this reliance has been so great, for so long, the nation has lost its ability to manage all the immigrants who clamber freely into the country.
The limits of lifeboat USA lead us to wonder…
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Tune in here, for the syndicated Food Chain Radio Show #1090 February 4, 2017 Saturday 9AM Pacific