Mao Tse Tung’s Great Leap
November 21, 2013
Natural Food Labels
December 5, 2013Food Chain Radio Host Michael Olson
Urban Farming Agriculturalist
Can we learn to cook, eat and live with abandon?
Guest: Karen Karbo, Author Julia Child’s Rules: Lessons on Savoring Life
At six foot three inches, she was taller than most men, not particularly pretty, and had a voice like a cartoon character.
Some say she was a Che Guevera armed with a pound of butter and a sauce pan. Maybe so, but she was not born the revolutionary of cooking, eating, and living.
In fact, she was born into a straight-laced family, a formica kitchen, tv dinners, and oh yes, golf at the country club. Then war came and everything changed for Julia. She found herself working intelligence in Asia, where she met a man named Paul Childs. After the war, she became Julia Childs, and the Childs ran off to Paris, where Paul took her to dine at a favorite restaurant. That meal marked the birth of Julia Childs, revolutionary.
Julia Childs’ kitchen revolution leads us to ask… Can we, too, learn how to cook, eat and live with abandon?