Big Ag Collapse
August 7, 2020
Farming Myths
August 21, 2020The Two Sciences of Hydroxychloroquine
Guests: Michael Daugherty, President, LabMD & Author, The Devil Inside the Beltway
2020 will go down in history as the year a new coronavirus leaked out of China to create a world-wide pandemic of disease now known as Covid19. There is no vaccine for this corona virus, and therefore there is no protection from its association Covid-19 disease.

Michael Olson Food Chain Radio – The Two Sciences of Hydroxychloroquine – Whose hydroxychloroquine science is real?
Early in the pandemic, U.S. President Donald Trump suggested that hydroxychloroquine, when combined with an antibiotic and nutrient supplement, might prove to be an effective treatment for the disease when taken either before or after exposure to the virus.
Hydroxychloroquine is a medication used by millions of people over the past 65 years to treat malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. It has gone off patent, and is now sold by a number of companies.
The President’s suggestion that hydroxychloroquine might be an effective weapon in the fight against the Covid-19 coronavirus has been met with either outright contempt or outright support from the established medical community and their liberal or conservative counterparts.
There are a significant number of medical studies that prove hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment for Covid 19. There are also a significant number of studies that prove hydroxychloroquine is not an an effective treatment for Covid-19.
The conflicting science of hydroxychloroquine has become the subject of political, economic and medical warfare, with those in control of the nation’s media managing which science is being allowed to be presented.
That so much is at stake in this war leads us to ask…
Leave a comment: Whose hydroxychloroquine science is real?
#1 Agriculture is the foundation upon which we build all our sand castles.
#2 The farther we go from the source of our food, the less control we have over what’s in that food.
#3 Cheap food isn’t! READ MORE</font color=”#7d0552″>
I have read the original published papers on most studies I can find, it is clear that all studies so far are flawed with overdosing or by not using Zinc adjutant, although HCQ shol dbe made available, it is strange that millions of doses are sitting in a warehouse somewhere while people are dying and no “cure” is being tried.
…so strange also is the politicization of this potential treatment (NOT a cure) and very unfortunate. Maybe we can move on to other potential treatments – natural as well as pharma. Using quercetin instead of HCQ may be just as effective…no studies will be done on cheap supplements. Yet another reason pharm and AMA should not control our health decisions.
While I enjoyed the podcast and I found Michael Daugherty entertaining, I would have enjoyed it more if you had had a guest that actually talked about the science instead of all of the political crap, which admittedly there is a lot of. I would have found the podcast much more enlightening if the actual medical studies pro and con were talked about. And when I say talk about the actual studies – tell me who did the studies a brief outline of the methodology what the positives and negatives of the studies were.
Thank you for tuning in, and for the suggestion that I feature the actual scientific studies of hydroxychoroquine and Covid-19..
The problem with your suggestion is that– I believe– most all of the scientific studies have been contaminated with posturing.
The question would then be, how would I select which studies to present as those being of good science. Seems like if I were to place one science on the table for discussion, I would then become the object of derision by those who advocate for the other science. I need to find a ‘blind truth seeker,’ to present the two sciences. Do you know of any blind truth seekers?
This is what I know for certain about Hydroxychloroquine; It is a medication that millions of people have used over the past 65 years to treat malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. It is a “free to use” medication, which means doctors are free to prescribe it for other ailments as they see fit. Though much is known about HCQ, there is much contention as to the efficacy of its treatment for the Covid-19 coronavirus. Some say it works, others say it does not work.
What really concerns be about HCQ is how the information about the medication is being managed. Doctors are being taken out of our lives and being replaced by bureacrats, oligarchs and politicians who have have economic, political and moral interests at stake. Who is there fighting for our interests?
Will the information the bureaucrats, oligarchs and politicians provide set us free or keep us bound and gagged?
Now, to find that blind truth-seeker.