Phage Therapy
March 12, 2020
Cheap Food Isn’t
March 26, 2020Food Chain Radio Show #1222
Michael Olson, Author & Urban Farming Agriculturalist
The ‘Like Cures Like’ of Homeopathy
Guest: Dr. Jeff Lester, Trilogy Medical Center for Integrative Medicine
While on a herb walk through the Amazon jungle awhile back, I got into a conversation with my curandero guide about a resident venomous snake called the Bushmaster. This snake grows up to ten feet long, and they do not bite one on the ankle!

Michael Olson Food Chain Radio – Homeopathy became effective in the hands of skilled practitioners.
“There is only one cure for their bite,” the guide said, “and it is a native vine that curls up from the ground and looks just like a Bushmaster getting ready to strike.”
There is a name for this Bushmaster-looking shrub: “similibus curentur”, which means ‘like cures like’.
Way back in 1810, German physician Samuel Hahnemann discovered that a substance that causes symptoms of a disease in healthy people would cure similar symptoms in sick people. Hahnemann’s discovery led to the advent of immunizations and to the medical practice of homeopathy.
Homeopathy became famous in the hands of skilled practitioners, for its’ ability to stop serious illnesses from killing people. We’re talking serious illnesses, like bubonic plague, cholera, dengue and yellow fever, and yes, influenza! Homeopathy became the focus in the U.S. of 110 hospitals and 22 medical schools, including UCSF and the Boston School of Medicine.
But then, around 1940, a true killer of bacteria came along called “penicillin”. Penicillin became a packaged and patented medicine, and consequently pushed the science and art of homeopathy off the shelves.
Well, here we are nearly a century down the road with our patented medications. And now, we are finding diseases are becoming smarter and resistant to these pharmaceuticals, and so we pause to ask…
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There are many homeopaths around the world doing this now. Look at the numbers for India. They are focusing on Auryveda and homeopathy and the numbers are very low.