Victory for Local Meat
June 2, 2023
June 23, 2023High on the Grass Fed Hog!
Michael Olson’s Food Chain Radio Show #1344
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GUEST: Jack and Sarah Kimmich, Farmer / Owner California Kurobuta Pasture Raised Pork
Follow along: If one is curious about what one is becoming, one then should be curious about what the food one eats, eats as well.

Michael Olson Food Chain Radio – California Kurobuta Pasture Raised Pork
Now if one is eating a carrot from one’s garden, its pretty easy to know what that carrot ate, because one fed that carrot by feeding the soil in which the carrot grew up into a food.
But if one is eating a hamburger, or even an Impossible pretend burger, how can one know what the cow or the soybeans that contributed to the burger ate?
One could look at the label, which might say “Product of the USA,” and feel reassured that anything that is a “product” of the USA would be good to eat because the USA has rules and regulations about how animals are raised.
But when it comes to the labeling of meat, World Trade Organization rules and regulations predominate, and therefore what is in the burger may have come from a number of different animals, from a number of different ranches, and from a number of different countries. And the same could be said for the soybeans from which patented pretend burgers are made.
If such is the case, how then can one know what one will become, if there is no way to know what the food that one eats ate to become the food that it became?
What one could do, is source food directly from the local farmer who grew the food. I call it “food with its farmer’s face on it.” This proximity to the source of food allows one to look into the farmer’s eyes and see what the food he or she has grown has eaten, and therefore what one will become.
With that in mind, I would like to introduce you to my source of bacon, sausage and bone tea. Join me, as we head out to Hollister California to ask: Can the difference between grass-fed and CAFO make a difference in one’s body?
Leave a comment below: Can the difference between grass-fed and CAFO make a difference in one’s body?
Michael Olson’s Three Laws of the Food Chain
#1 Agriculture is the foundation upon which we build all our sand castles.
#2 The farther we go from the source of our food, the less control we have over what’s in that food.
#3 Cheap food isn’t! READ MORE