Food Stamps
January 30, 2014
GMO Safety
February 13, 2014 Food Chain Radio Michael Olson
Urban Farming Agriculturalist
GMO Free Cheerios
Should General Mills reveal whether its foods contain GMOs?
Guest: Gregory Conko, Executive Director, Competitive Enterprise Institute
If you knew the oats contained were GMOs, would you go for the “toasted oat goodness of Cheerios?”
Apparently some would not, because General Mills has announced it will sell a line of Cheerios that “contain no GMOs?”

GMO Free Cheerios!
Food Chain Radio host Michael Olson with Gregory Conko, Executive Director, Competitive Enterprise Institute
To date, the food industry has spent upwards of $100 million dollars to convince consumers to defeat GMO labeling laws in California and Washington. In each state, industry has won the battle to defeat GMO labeling.
Though no law has yet passed to force its hand, General Mills has agreed to the labeling of its Cheerios line. This labelling would seem to indicate a decided turn in the war over whether foods containing GMOs should, or should not, be labeled as such. Industry may be winning the battles, but losing the war! This leads us to ask…
Should General Mills reveal whether its foods contain GMOs?