Skin Health
March 21, 2019
Cows and Climate
April 4, 2019Food Chain Radio Show #1180
Michael Olson, Author & Urban Farming Agriculturalist
Food Microbiology and the Microbes That Come To Dinner
Guests: Paul Dawson, Professor of Food Systems, Clemson University; and Brian Sheldon, Professor Emeritus of Food Microbiology / North Carolina State – Co-Authors of Did You Just Eat That?
48 million of us are poisoned by the food we eat every year, and 3,000 of
us die from that poison.
Now, I don’t think that it’s the food that’s bad. After all, that food is
being eaten by microscopic organisms that are smart and healthy. But the microbes are in no mind to share their food with us. So they slip us
good dose of “stay away,” and boy, do we ever get the message!
I got the message while contending with some microbes for some raw
fish in a fancy Hong Kong restaurant. I’ll bet those Hong Kong microbes
were among the smartest and most competitive anywhere in the world.
Because, when I swallowed their fish, they took me down for days.
So, how do we go about surviving the unfriendly microbes among us.
One of the smartest things we could do, is call on some of the smartest
people we know, and ask them…
Leave a comment below: How can we survive the unfriendly microbes that are out to get us?