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April 27, 2018Food Chain Radio Show #1146
Michael Olson, Author & Urban Farming Agriculturalist
Dirty Dozen Foods
Guests: Sonya Lunder, Senior Analyst, Environmental Working Group and Carolyn O’Donnell, Communications Director, California Strawberry Commission
The Environmental Working Group is once again holding up its list of the “Dirty Dozen” foods most contaminated with pesticides. At the top of the list, once again, is the strawberry. And so, once again, we ask … Is food contaminated with pesticides safe to eat?

Michael Olson Food Chain Radio – Dirty Dozen Foods –Is food contaminated with pesticides safe to eat?
Our Federal Government, with its Department of Agriculture and Food and Drug Administration, periodically examine 38,800 samples of non-organic fruits and vegetables for pesticides.
You can well imagine the amount of data these two monstrous bureaucracies crank out, and how utterly unreadable such a presentation would be, and indigestible all its numbers would be, if in fact one could actually read them.
Thankfully, the Environmental Working Group has taken on the task for us. Since 2004, the Group has offered its digested look at the Federal data in a presentation it calls, “The Dirty Dozen.”
Back in 2004, the Food Chain Radio show hosted the Environmental Working Group’s Bill Walker and California Farm Bureau’s Bob Krauter for a look at those Dirty Dozen…
Fourteen years later, we are back with the same questions:
Do pesticides threaten our food supply?
Should we avoid eating the fruits and vegetables contaminated with pesticides?
How safe is too safe?
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Are organic strawberries from Costco unsafe as well?