Bee Colony Collapse
March 24, 2016
Zika GMO Mosquito
April 7, 2016Food Chain Radio Show #1050
Michael Olson, Author & Urban Farming Agriculturalist
Conquering Crows
What can be done to Control Corvidae?
Guest: University of Washington Professor of Forest Sciences John Marzluff
Remember this from Edgar Allen Poe?
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore—
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
“’Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door—
Only this and nothing more.”
Turns out there is a lot more to the “tapping at the chamber door” than a casual observer might suspect. That thought occurs to me each time I walk the dogs through the neighborhood, a neighborhood now under the control of the corvidae family of crows, ravens, jays.
I know there is more because the crows have taken to watching me. Well, I do encourage the dogs to give them a good chase when possible, but its just for fun. And I am a bit angry at the disappearance of the neighborhood song birds. But why would a couple of minor slights like the above give the crows a reason to watch me.
Truth be known, I was just going along with the watching, without much to do, until sitting down with friends for dinner. Of a sudden, our host blurted out in frustration, “What can I do about the crows?”
“Are they watching you, too?” I asked. And I kept asking, and most everyone I asked would, after a moment or two of consideration, confess to having the crows take over their neighborhood, as well.
All this control being exerted by a family of birds leads us to ask….
Leave a comment below: Can anyone control the crows?
Tune in here, for the syndicated Food Chain Radio Show #1050 April 2, 2016 Saturday 9AM Pacific
we have created this issue not them and if anything they have to get along with us..
My concern is if anyone is investigating why the Zika outbreak in Brazil is occurring approximately two years after the GE Mosquitoes created to eliminate this problem were released in the same area where the Zika outbreak happened.
Also, there was backtracking about the numbers and possible reasons for the microcephaly that had nothing to do with the Zika virus, and that information is either being underplayed or not communicated to the general public at all.
My belief is that the purpose of the fear mongering surrounding this situation is not to determine the cause of the microcephaly and help the people and children being effected by it, but to allow any and all banned pesticides to be used (which could be an initial and future cause of microcephaly); rapid, untested and indiscriminate vaccine use (of the new vaccine for Zika which they will come up with) which may have unintended serious health consequences; and further spread of the use of GE Mosquitoes (which is extremely unscientific to expose an uninformed population to and, mark my word, victims will have no recourse if there are any health consequences, plus, they have no idea of how it will effect the surrounding ecosystem as they haven’t existed for very long).
I HATE Mosquitoes (they LOVE my blood and when I get bit it looks like small land masses have formed on the bite site) but am not willing to participate in this uncontrolled unscientific experiment for me or the world I live in. I lived through the West Nile Virus scare and knew that the aerial and ground pesticide spraying would add to the death by cancer numbers much more than the number of fatalities attributed to West Nile Virus (many were never confirmed as actually being from West Nile Virus as most of the folks that died had other health issues that led to their demise). And how many years later, West Nile didn’t cause the mass illness or deaths that was predicted, they don’t do the air or ground spraying anymore (to the insane extent they did), and so now we need a new disease and fear to rev up the use of toxic pesticides, questionable vaccines and untested GE insects.
I understand global warming and international travel is making disease transmission a real issue for infectious disease specialists and all people, but we need to find least toxic ways (for us and our environment) to deal with them and not harm the patients we’re trying to help. And one of the patients is the environment, because if that isn’t healthy, we’re not going to survive…there IS no Planet B. The medical oath is to do no harm.