April 2, 2020
Covid 19 Owners
April 16, 2020Food Chain Radio Show #1225
Michael Olson, Author & Urban Farming Agriculturalist
Avoiding the Covid 19 Contagion!
Guest: Mary Alice Rose Meteorologist, Computer Scientist & Christian Scientist
I once had a job on a survey crew building a road through the badlands of Eastern Montana.

Michael Olson Food Chain Radio – Covid 19 – Can we avoid contagion?
The crew’s winter job was to set the roadbed’s grade so that when Spring came, and the ground thawed out, the heavy equipment operators would know how much to build up or take down the roadbed.
To set the grade, we placed a heavy iron pin on top of the frozen roadbed and then pounded it into the ground with a sixteen pound sledge-hammer to the extent needed to place the wooden grade stake.
It was hard work. And it was cold work. Though we did not have to swing the sledge when the temperature hit minus 20, it seemed like it was often minus 18 with a 20 knot wind. When such was the case, there would be much grumbling and groaning about the cold. But when we did get to grumbling about the cold, a senior member of the crew, Merritt Chamberlin, would deny the cold, telling us with a warm, knowing smile, “Cold is when your spit freezes before it hits the ground!”
How he could deny such an elemental fact, one so obvious it turned the rest of the crew blue? But he did, and he never seemed to be cold, and never complained about the cold. So I got to testing his theory on a number of very cold occasions. Lo and behold, he was right, the spit never did freeze before it hit the ground. Oh, it would crackle a bit as it flew through the air, but it never did freeze. After working with the theory through the winter, I came to believe it never really did get cold!
I now live in banana slug California, where the temperature is always “just right.” Whenever I hear someone complain about the cold, I always tell them, “Cold is when your spit freezes before it hits the ground.” Of course, they think me crazy for denying the obvious.
We are now living with another obvious adversity: a super contagious virus that sprang to life in Wuhan, China, from whence it was set free to eat up the people of the world. This plainly obvious adversity leads me to ask…
Leave a comment below: Do you think it is or is not possible to avoid the Made-in-China coronavirus contagion?