Local Food
March 3, 2016
Chipotle Food Poison
March 17, 2016Food Chain Radio Show #1047
Michael Olson, Author & Urban Farming Agriculturalist
Outbreak At Chipotle
Guest: Michael Palmer, Food Safety Expert, Gap Solutions
Chipotle Mexican Grill’s explosive growth from 16 restaurants to 1900 in 20 years made it the darling stock of Wall Street.
The company’s pitch to hungry consumers was “food with integrity,” as opposed to competing chains, which presumably served “food without integrity.”
Hungry consumers went for the pitch in a very big way, thus allowing Chipotle to found an entirely new category of restaurateuring called “fast casual.” Diners were happy. Investors were also happy.
But in October Chipotle was hit with a food poisoning outbreak that reverberates to this day, as just the other day another Chipotle was shut down by a poisoning. The Chipotle outbreak has sickened diners in a dozen states coast to coast with foods contaminated with E.coli, salmonella and Norovirus.
Though the outbreak has been thoroughly investigated by Chipotle and the Food and Drug Administration, no cause has yet to be disclosed as to how so many restaurants could be contaminated across such a broad geographical area by so many different food poisons in such a short period of time. This leads us to ask…
Leave a comment below: What is causing the food poisoning outbreak at Chipotle?
Tune in here, for the syndicated Food Chain Radio Show #1047 March 12, 2016 Saturday 9AM Pacific