Pest Control
June 15, 2018
June 28, 2018Food Chain Radio Show #1152
Michael Olson, Author & Urban Farming Agriculturalist
Cellular Wisdom and Hidden Spirits
Guests: Sondra Barrett, PhD, Cellular Wisdom School / Dick Tippett, West Coast Dowsers Association
The West Coast Dowsers are once again convening in my adopted home town of Santa Cruz, California. Whenever they do, I try to grab one or two of them for a conversation about the hidden spirits they seem to have captured.
My fascination with dowsing began with the simple fact that a dowser can find water flowing hundreds of feet below the surface of the land. Food grows where water flows!
And, my fascination grew as I learned that dowsing can provide the answer to many other of life’s questions. One very small example: I was sitting in on a beginning dowser class, with pendulum in hand, when the instructor placed two cans of branded tamale sauce on the podium and said, “One of these cans contains bad tamale sauce, and the other can contains good tamale sauce. I want you to douse which can contains the good sauce.”
After working our pendulums for a few moments, all but three in our class of fifty pointed to one can as being the one that contained the good sauce. The instructor then held up the other can, and reading the label, proclaimed, “Says right here that this can of tamale sauce expired 7 years ago!”
And so, if one can find water hidden hundreds of feet below the surface, and identify the difference between good food and bad from across the room, we simply must ask…
Leave a comment: What can hidden spirits tell us about which road to take when we come to the fork?
Tune in here, for the syndicated the Michael Olson Food Chain Radio Show #1152 June 23, 2018 Saturday 9AM Pacific