Clean Water Act
July 13, 2017
Ice Cream
July 28, 2017Food Chain Radio Show #1112
Michael Olson, Author & Urban Farming Agriculturalist
Getting Down to Cannabusiness
Guests: Chris Leavy, MedMen; Kayvan Khalatbari, Cannabis Entrepreneur & Politician; Les Isralow, Cannabis Media Producer
All but nine of the world’s nations signed the Single Convention Treaty of 1961, establishing the cannabis plant and its derivatives as a Class One narcotic.

Michael Olson Food Chain Radio – Entrepreneurs across the land are getting down to the cannabusiness of turning the green plant into green money…
But who cares? Certainly some states in the United States do not care, as they have made cannabis legal, or at least semi legal.
And since very few seem to care about a funky old treaty signed way back in 1961, entrepreneurs across the land are getting down to the cannabusiness of turning the green plant into green money. And they are!
And so we ask…