Ice Cream
July 28, 2017
Sperm Count Decline
August 10, 2017Food Chain Radio Show #1114
Michael Olson, Author & Urban Farming Agriculturalist
Buy or Boycott – Open Microphone
Guests: Open Microphone
Ben & Jerry’s was the first ice creamery to ban bovine growth hormone (BHG), and from that statement of principal, went on to become famous for making political correctness central to its corporate ethos. Imagine the surprise, then, when the Organic Consumers Association tested Ben & Jerry’s ice cream for glyphosate, and found the weed-killer in 10 of 11 samples.

Michael Olson Food Chain Radio – Glyphosate in Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream
The glyphosate in Ben & Jerry’s ice cream raises questions we would like you to answer:
Question 1: Is glyphosate safe to eat?
Those who manufacture glyphosate, including the Monsanto Corporation, numerous academics and the federal government say, “Yes, glyphosate is safe to eat.”
Consumer groups, like the Organic Consumers Association, numerous academics, and the World Health Organization, say, “No, glyphosate is not safe to eat.” (The WHO, in fact, has labeled glyphosate a “probable cause of cancer in humans.”)
That so much of our food now contains glyphosate, and that it has been found in 97% of the human blood in a sample testing by the University of San Francisco, leads us to ask you… Do you think glyphosate safe to eat?
Question 2: Is Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Natural?
Ben & Jerry’s, which is now owned by the Unilever Corporation, labels its ice cream as “Natural”.
The Organic Consumers Association says the ice cream can’t be natural because the cows were fed genetically-engineered corn, which is not natural at all.
That so many of our commercial foods are now manufactured from crops that have been genetically re-engineered leads us to ask you… Are genetically-engineered food crops “natural?”
Question 3: Will you buy the glyphosate in Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, or will you boycott?
Few food companies have done more to promote the correct way of being a good corporate citizen then the ice creamery started by Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield in a Vermont garage.
Think docile jersey cows grazing peacefully on the lush green grass of Vermont pastures. Then dig into a pint of Cherry Garcia, and think well of yourself for being such a good hunter!
But the reality is cows are being fed corn genetically-engineered to withstand the weed-killer glyphosate, which then goes into the milk, and into the ice cream, and into your body. You may or may not be harmed. And so we ask you…
Leave a comment below: Will you buy Ben and Jerry’s, or will you boycott?
Hi! Here’s the book you need to get that exposes the undeniable problems with GMO crops and Roundup, and why the combo is even worse. ***The Plant Paradox by Steven Gundry, MD.*** It is about 3 months old. The author is giving lots of interviews lately. Briefly, two points: 1) Lectins are plant proteins in common foods that cause inflammation in our bodies, and many resulting serious health problems. When GMO crops are created, people often insert a gene for a natural pesticide, and guess what, that gene codes for an especially harmful lectin. Lectins are previously unrecognized human health saboteurs. 2) Glyphosate was thought to be pure genius because it shuts down a metabolic pathway that humans don’t have, but insects do; they assumed it couldn’t hurt people. However, we depend on a multitude of friendly bacteria in our guts to be healthy, and these good bugs have that pathway and are harmed by glyphosate residues. Finally, the combination of the inserted lectin and glyphosate residues is a double whammy because they act together to create holes in our intestinal lining. That condition is a cause of many health problems, as you can well imagine. Monsanto is going to get bitten in the behind because of all these unintended consequences, and Europe had it right to ban GMOs and Roundup.
[…] Will you buy the glyphosate in Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, or will you boycott until its gone? […]