Pest Resistance
March 9, 2017
The Right to Food
March 23, 2017Food Chain Radio Show #1096
Michael Olson, Author & Urban Farming Agriculturalist
Bee Colony Collapse
Protecting the Pollinators
Guests: Madeleine Carnemark, Pollinator Program and Policy Coordinator at the Center for Food Safety; and University of California Student of Environmental Studies Olivia Duncaneen
Food Chain Radio’s intern producer Olivia Duncan will be graduating from the University of California with a degree in Environmental Studies.

Michael Olson Food Chain Radio – Protecting the Pollinators Can we grow food with bees and pesticides?
As her final assignment for the Food Chain, she was asked to produce a story she believed would be of interest to the public. After some thought, she settled on bees, as she had become acquainted with the honey business while a student studying abroad in New Zealand.
Producer: “Bees are a very important, but what about them would be interesting enough to capture and hold an audience.”
Intern: “Well, bees are responsible for about one-third of the food we eat, but their colonies are collapsing all across the country.”
Producer: “Do we know why bee colonies are collapsing?”
Intern: “A lot of people suspect it’s because of the neonicotinoid pesticides used to grow food. It’s the most-used pesticide in the world!”
Producer: “So, we rely on pesticides to grow plants pollinated by the bees responsible for one-third of our food. Do you think you can make a good story out of that?”
Intern: “Yes!”
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Tune in here, for the syndicated Food Chain Radio Show #1096 March 18, 2017 Saturday 9AM Pacific