High Fructose Corn Syrup
July 7, 2016
July 21, 2016Food Chain Radio Show #1064
Michael Olson, Author & Urban Farming Agriculturalist
Balance of Trade
U.S. Agriculture Exports Collapse
Guest: Michael Stumo, CEO Coalition for a Prosperous America
America the beautiful is, by any measure, God’s gift to agriculture. From sea to shining sea, there is no geography anywhere in the entire world that can match the United States for the pure potential to grow food.
Yet in spite of this potential, the United States appears to be in the midst of an epic collapse in its food trade balance.
Last year, the United States sold $25.7 billion more food than it bought. This year, the surplus is expected to decline 62% to only $9.7 billion. This collapse is occurring in spite of all the trade agreements the nation has signed to give its agriculture free access to foreign markets.
This collapse leads us to ask…Why is a nation so rich in potential losing its ability to compete?
What will this collapse in the balance of its food trade mean to the nation’s economy? And….What can be done to regain the nation’s food mojo?
Leave a comment below: What can be done to regain the nation’s food mojo?
Tune in here, for the syndicated Food Chain Radio Show #1064 July 16, 2016 Saturday 9AM Pacific