Label Glyphosate
July 7, 2022
Food Supplements
July 20, 2022GUEST: Sally Fallon Morell Founding President Weston A. Price Foundation
I tell this story often, because the telling feels so good.

Michael Olson Food Chain Radio – Failure of Factory Baby Formula
Some time back I had the opportunity to attend a Weston A Price Foundation convention. What I saw there was one of the most hopeful things I have ever seen in my travels up and down the food chain.
Everywhere I looked in that big convention hall, there were babies happily nursing at their mother’s breast. And the mothers looked pretty happy, too!
But not every mother can breast feed her baby. In fact, most now rely on commercial baby formulas to feed their baby. Four companies control 95% of the infant formula sold in the United States. When one of their factories– Abbott Laboratories in Sturgis, Michigan– was forced to close, mothers throughout the country panicked and began hoarding formula.
Soon the President of the United States was forced into action, and so ordered the military to airlift baby formula from other nations to feed America’s babies. This leads us to ask…
Leave a comment below: Is factory formula the best way to feed baby?
Michael Olson’s Three Laws of the Food Chain
#1 Agriculture is the foundation upon which we build all our sand castles.
#2 The farther we go from the source of our food, the less control we have over what’s in that food.
#3 Cheap food isn’t! READ MORE