Local Food
February 21, 2014
Animal Cruelty
March 6, 2014Food Chain Radio Michael Olson 
Urban Farming Agriculturalist
Can the stealing be stopped?
Guest: Sheriff’s Sargeant Michael Chapman, Fresno County Ag Task Force
Imagine all the gold in Fort Knox sitting unguarded out in the open for all who pass by to see.

STOP AG THEFT – Food Chain Radio Michael Olson hosts Sheriff’s Sargent Michael Chapman, Fresno County Ag Theft Task Force
That pile of Fort Knox gold would pale in significance if compared to the bounty of agriculture, which is in fact sitting unguarded out in the open for all to see, and for some to simply take.
The soaring value of agricultural commodities, and infrastructure, is spawning an invading army of thieves throughout agriculture’s fields of plenty, from the fumbling drug addicts who strip copper wire from well pumps to the calculating teams of truckers who drive off with a quarter million dollar loads of nuts.
Those who farm must fend off this invading army of thieves, or lose control of their farms and our food. This fight over the bounty of agriculture leads us to ask…