Saved me a million! “I was planning a major investment in my property but got to thinking I should get a second opinion before I spent the money. Being a fan of Michael Olson’s book and radio show, I called on him. We walked the land one day, I told him what I was thinking, and we talked. Finally, he asked, “Do you want to invest in and Ethel Jean?” When he explained what an Ethel Jean was, it all clicked, and I realized he had just saved me a million dollars!” Dr. T. L. Aptos, CA
Urban Food and Farm
Consulting and Assessment Services
Seeing the forest, for the trees!
When you have trouble seeing the forest for the trees, call for a fresh and objective perspective from Michael Olson and the experts of MetroFarm Associates. They will save you time and money by helping you find the real answers for your difficult questions.
Michael Olson has been consulting for specialty agriculture projects – big and small – around the world for over three decades. His consultations include the development of a vineyard in Oregon, the commercialization of herbs wild-crafted in the Amazon basin, the redevelopment of an agricultural plateau on the island nation of Cypress, and metropolitan farm and food projects everywhere.
Consulting Services
During your initial free 15-minute consultation: Michael Olson will review your objectives, skill set, and resources. From this consultation, he will develop and recommend a specific course of action for your consideration.
Consultation Inquiry

Michael Olson: Award winning author – MetroFarm – The Guide to Farming for Profit in or Near the City and syndicated host of Food Chain Radio
MetroFarm Associates will help you develop the potential of your farm and/or food business. With decades of experience in agriculture and business, Michael Olson and associates have seen many times, in many ways, and in many places, what can be farmed for profit, and what can’t be farmed for profit. Their farm and food site assessment service will assess:
• The potential of your business strategy.
• The strengths and weaknesses of your business and assets and liabilities.
Your assessment will also;
• Suggest possible courses of action to take, including those with high-risk/high-return, medium-risk/medium-return and low-risk/low-return potential.
• Recommend things to plan ahead, including what to learn and who to meet.
Consultation Agreement

Michael Olson – Urban food and farm consultant. Photo: Olson weeding an Oregon vineyard.
Sign and return the Consulting Agreement. Upon receipt of the Agreement, a survey will be emailed to you and a complimentary copy of MetroFarm: The Guide to Growing for Profit iIn or Near the City will be mailed to you.
Fill out the survey and submit it. Within 10 working days of receiving your survey, MetroFarm Associates will send you a written Project and Site Assessment.
Urban Farm and Food Consultation Inquiry
Save Time and Money
Help yourself to see the forest for the trees. During your initial free 15-minute consultation, Michael Olson will review your objectives, skill set & resources.